Using Windows Task Scheduler you can completely automate iMacros, you can setup your script to run whenever you want without having to manually start it. You can choose the time and day for the script to play plus you can have it play repeatedly for example daily, once a week, even have it play multiple times a day.
Follow these steps:
**This file is a small program that will open firefox and play an imacros script.@echo off
start firefox.exe -P default -no-remote imacros://run/?m=ADDMEFAST/AMF-Master.js
Notice the highlighted parts in the code:
First highlighted part put the name of the firefox profile to open, (Leave as default if you only have 1 profile)
Second part highlighted put the name of the iMacros script you want to play.
2. Click on Create Basic Task in Windows Task Scheduler, follow the steps and use the new .bat file you just created.
3. Make sure the exit firefox option in script is marked as yes if you are using one of my scripts.
NOTE: If you aren’t using one of my scripts then add code to the end of your script to close firefox if you plan on having the task scheduler run your script more than once. Check cheatsheet below for the code.
URL GOTO= | go to website |
SET !TIMEOUT_PAGE 15 | set time limit on waiting for a page to load (number signifies seconds) |
SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 0 | remove time on waiting for a element to be found (by default it waits up to 6 seconds) |
SET !ERRORIGNORE YES | ignore errors |
SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO | disable the extract testing popup |
SET !DATASOURCE C:\imacros\imacropro.csv | set location of csv file in computer |
SET !DATASOURCE_LINE 1 | set the line of data to use from csv file |
SET !VAR1 EVAL(“var randomNumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*20 + 1); randomNumber;”) | returns random number between 1-20 |
FILEDELETE NAME=C:\imacros\imacropro.csv | delete any file from your computer |
SET !USERAGENT “Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows 3.1)” | set browser useragent |
PROXY ADDRESS= | set proxy |
URL GOTO=javascript:window.scrollBy(0,-20000) | scroll up |
URL GOTO=javascript:window.scrollBy(0,20000) | scroll down |
TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS | close all tabs in browser except the current active tab |
TAB OPEN | open new tab in browser |
TAB CLOSE | close current tab in browser / close firefox |
WAIT SECONDS=2 | wait seconds, (replace with any number even half sec are fine e.g. 2.5) |
REFRESH | refresh current window (same as pressing F5) |
CLEAR | clear browser cache and cookies |
BACK | visit previous website/page |
PAUSE | pause script |
SET current {{!NOW:mm-dd-yyyy-hh:mm}} | Get current date and time |
SEARCH SOURCE=REGEXP:”([\\s\\S]*)” EXTRACT=”$1″ | extract page source code |
SET !VAR2 EVAL(“‘{{!EXTRACT}}’.trim()”) | Trim leading and trailing spaces from extract with eval javascript |
SET !EXTRACT NULL | clear extract |
SET title {{!EXTRACT}} | set extract to a custom variable |
SAVEAS TYPE=EXTRACT FOLDER=* FILE=extracted-data.csv | save extracted data |
iimPlay(macro); | play a macro |
iimDisplay(“Display some text”); | display text on bottom left corner of screen |
iimDisplay(“Current loop: “+ i); | display loop number |
var lastExtract = iimGetLastExtract(); | turn last extract to a variable. |
var error = iimGetLastError(); | turn the last error description to a variable |
window.scrollBy(0,-20000) | scroll up |
window.scrollBy(0,20000) | scroll down |
window.close(); | close tab/firefox |
Math.floor((Math.random() * 7) + 5); | Return a random number between 5 and 12 |
iimPlay (“CODE:WAIT SECONDS=0.5”); | Play imacros code in .js script |
SUCCESS! Your script will now automatically play at the time and day you specified as long as your computer is on.
– Minimize Firefox
If you want the firefox browser to be minimized when scripts play automatically you can download the addon Minimize On Start and Close. This addon will automatically minimize the firefox browser on startup so that automated scripts don’t disturb you when you are using your computer.
After installing addon, click Options and set the settings as shown below.
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